How do brands acquire consent from customers for SMS marketing?

SMS marketing is a powerful tool that can be used to reach customers directly on their mobile phones. However, in order to use SMS marketing legally, brands must first acquire consent from their customers. There are two main ways that brands can acquire consent for SMS marketing: Express consent. This is the most clear-cut way to acquire consent. Brands must explicitly ask customers if they would like to receive SMS marketing messages, and customers must explicitly agree. Implied consent. This is a more nuanced form of consent. Brands can imply consent if they have a pre-existing relationship with the customer, such as if the customer has made a purchase from the brand or signed up for the brand’s email list. In these cases, brands can send SMS marketing messages that are relevant to the customer’s relationship with the brand. How to Acquire Express Consent for SMS Marketing There are a few key things that brands should keep in mind when acquiring express consent for SMS marketing.

Be clear and upfront about what you are asking for

Customers should know exactly what they are agreeing to when they give their consent for SMS marketing. This means being clear about the type of messages that will be sent, how often they will be sent, and how the customer can unsubscribe. Make it easy for customers to give their consent. The consent process should be as simple and straightforward as possible. Customers should be able to give their consent with a single click or tap. Get opt-in confirmation. Once a customer has Jewelry Photo Retouching Service given their consent, brands should get opt-in confirmation. This means sending a confirmation message to the customer’s phone number to make sure that they have actually opted in to receive SMS marketing messages. How to Acquire Implied Consent for SMS Marketing In order to acquire implied consent for SMS marketing, brands must have a pre-existing relationship with the customer. This means that the customer must have already done business with the brand, or they must have signed up for the brand’s email list.


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Once a brand has a pre-existing relationship with a customer

They can send SMS marketing messages that are relevant to that relationship. For example, a brand that sells clothing could send SMS marketing messages to customers about new arrivals or sales. However, it is important to note that implied consent is not as strong as express consent. If a customer feels that they have been spammed with SMS marketing messages, they may be more likely to take legal Phone Number US action against the brand. Conclusion SMS marketing is a powerful tool that can be used to reach customers directly on their mobile phones. However, in order to use SMS marketing legally, brands must first acquire consent from their customers. There are two main ways to acquire consent for SMS marketing: express consent and implied consent. Brands should carefully consider their relationship with their customers before deciding which type of consent is appropriate. Here are some additional tips for acquiring consent for SMS marketing.