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We see it now with the development of social networks and the large-scale use of platforms such as blogs: we can read, but also share multimia material, and also give our opinion. There are problems, of course, as the great Umberto Eco (2015) point out, for example, when he said that the internet “gives legions of idiots the right to speak.” But this does not prevent this new world that we are beginning to enter from inviting us to consider an enormous range of development possibilities that, of course, will depend on us, and, of course, on institutions such as the university, to use to evaluate our cultural heritage or to finish destroying it.

Own Interest He

 The population of developing countries makes efforts to overcome social inequality. These efforts are reflect in the pursuit of a good ucation, but often these people only watch the train of ucational development business email list pass by as spectators. For years an idea has been around: with ucation development will be achiev . So, what type of ucation has been receiv in the last 50 years, when access to quality ucation has been far from the population? In September 2015, the World ucation Forum was held in the city of Incheon, South Korea.

Does Not Let Himself

There, a milestone was establish for ucation by 2030. This event reaffirm the vision and political will to make efforts for quality ucation for all (UNESCO, 2015, page 1). Likewise, goals relat to sustainable development and a new vision of ucation Phone Number US were establish. Following this line of analysis, and taking the 4 SDG as a reference, it is about guaranteeing inclusive, equitable, quality ucation, and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all. In recent years, governments such as those of Mexico, Chile, Argentina and Peru proclaim tax ucational policies that serv as palliatives.