Why you need to collect an email list

 If you’ve ever thought about making and selling your own online course, either to productize your own expertise or as a hobby, now if ever is the best time to start. And in this post, I’ll tell you the 7 things you need to know before starting an online course. Also read this: Experiences with online course platforms after 7 years of entrepreneurship 1. What do you want to teach? This is always the first question. “I don’t have any knowledge that someone would pay for…” “I’m just an ordinary housewife/accountant/photographer/student/ , I’m not a teacher, I can’t teach anything…” You know what, I’m not a teacher either. I am a financial administration tradesman. Over the course of two years, I have learned these things the hard way. And that’s exactly why I want to teach you, so you don’t have to spend two years learning what I already know. The best online courses are born from a combination of these three: your know-how your passion the problem/challenge of your dream client Each of us has know-how that someone else is willing to pay for. Believe it or not!  knows how to organize everyday life without a nervous breakdown (I’ll buy this course right away!).

The mother of a large family

 A family living on a small income shows how to spend €300.00 on food shopping and not go hungry. The photographer helps amateur photographers to take great pictures with a mobile phone. You know a lot more about something than anyone else. Think about your skills from this point of view, for example: teach the people who are in the situation you were in 2 years ago. believe in special data yourself How much you have learned in 2 years! And how much you can help those who want to get into the same situation where you are now. But knowledge alone is not enough. It’s one thing to talk about photography and it’s another thing to talk about angles. What subject do you want (and can manage) to talk about with the teacher? What subject makes your eyes sparkle with excitement? When you combine these two things with problem solving, you are already much further than many other creators of online courses. What problems or challenges does your dream client have that you can solve with your knowledge? , you will find what you want to talk about and what you want to teach and what you have knowledge about.

By listening to your inner self

 But to find your dream customer’s problems and challenges, you need to do a little research. 2. How do you find course ideas that people are actually willing to pay for? Now that you know you can teach others, the next step is to find a topic that others are willing to pay for. Facebook and Google are used for that. Find Facebook groups around your topic. I guide all my trainees to join the best and most active Facebook groups of the subject they are coaching and I give them tips on which things to pay attention Phone Number US to in the groups. You may not find the right groups on Facebook the first time, so you should turn to Google. Enter “Facebook group [your topic]” as the search term and click enter.