Create a company whose goal

Create a company telecommunications systems and networks, innovative systems and systems of electronics. Optoelectronics and integrated photonics. Innovative technologies and systems of printed electronics, dedicated areas of development and adaptation of sensors. Electronic devices as well as horizontal issues in sensor and photonic technologies. KIS . Information, communication and geoinformation technologies As part of this specialization. The area of ​​support covers the issues of information, communication and geoinformation technologies. Both as independent elements and related elements, leading to the development.

Provide effective solutions

Development areas included in the scope of specialization include future Internet technologies, Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, embedded systems, intelligent networks in infrastructures, architectures, systems and applications in intelligent networks, information Photo Retouching management, mixed reality and human-machine and machine-machine interfaces. , cybersecurity, development of artificial intelligence (AI), positioning and navigation, obtaining geoinformation, processing, analysis, KIS . Automation and robotics KIS . is a specialization that covers the issues of automation and robotization of technological processes constituting an essential part of the production process.

The entire market have change Create a company 

Taking into account current and future national, European and global trends related to production processes in various industrial sectors. Development support areas include design and optimization of manufacturing processes, process automation and Phone Number US robotization technologies, diagnostics and monitoring, control systems, and machines and devices that automate and robotize processes. Creative industries The smart specialization includes sub specializations: design, games, multimedia and augmented reality. Innovative products, technologies, processes or significant improvement of existing ones.