Creativity and innovation are essential for any content marketing strategy . To attract consumers, you
need to be creative; the public is eager for new things.
It is because of this need that crowdsourcing came about, to help us come up with creative and
innovative ideas that solve various problems, with the collaboration of our own audience.
Do you want to understand more about the topic? Then join me in this article!
What is Crowdsourcing?
Crowdsourcing is a practice in which a large uk telegram data number of people are called upon to
contribute ideas in order to find a solution to a task.
This word was coined in 2006 by Jeff Howe, journalist and editor of the electronic magazine Wired.
The word comes from the terms crowd , which means multitude, and sourcing, which means supply.
This practice allows a task usually carried out by a group of specialists to be carried out through an
open call by a large number of people.
What examples of Crowdsourcing exist?
There are many examples of choose a simple and clear name crowdsourcing, especially in marketing.
Here are some of them:
New burgers at McDonald’s
The popular burger brand decided to jiangxi mobile phone number list create a crowdsourcing
campaign in the UK calling on the public to create a new line of burgers. Participants created the new
Five hamburgers were selected and sold for a limited time at McDonald’s restaurants.
Models for Marc Jacobs
One of Marc Jacobs’ brands, Marc, decided to choose the models for its new campaign in a rather
different way. It put out a call for entries via social media, mainly Twitter and Instagram, for anyone
who wanted to participate. Using the hashtag #castmemarc , almost 70,000 people participated.
Lego Ideas
The well-known brand of building block toys decided to create a page for users to contribute creative
ideas for the brand.
The Lego Ideas section allows users to leave their ideas for new products from the brand. This
requires the collaboration of other users, so the strategy becomes a kind of crowdfunding.
these ideas that receives 10,000 votes is subject to a feasibility analysis by the company. If the idea is
accepted, it is produced by Lego and the creator receives a reward.
In some cases, you may even receive part of the profits obtained from sales of the product.
How can it be leveraged by companies?
As you can see, crowdsourcing allows for various strategies that will help give visibility to the brand. It
is also possible to obtain quite creative ideas that would otherwise be difficult to obtain. Involving the
public in a practice like this can be an excellent marketing strategy.
Let’s now see how we can apply it in a digital marketing campaign.
How is it related to Digital Marketing?
Social media allows you to reach a large audience with segmented interests. This is how a
crowdsourcing campaign can complement a Digital Marketing campaign.
The digital presence of any brand is reflected in social networks. It is on these networks that the
brand’s content is shared and that users can interact with it. For this reason, an excellent way to
attract users for crowdsourcing is through the social networks where the public we want to reach is
This practice encourages interaction and helps to solve problems quickly and effectively.
Involving the public in the search for a creative solution with some kind of reward can be one of the best ways to give greater visibility to your brand.
Using technology to reach consumers is part of the digital transformation we are currently undergoing. Adapting methods to more effectively reach the audience we are looking for is the best way to reach them.
What are the advantages of Crowdsourcing?
Throughout the text you must have noticed some of the advantages that crowdsourcing can bring to
any brand. But there is no shortage of advantages to this practice, here you can see some more of them:
Variety of ideas
Crowdsourcing allows you to get a lot of ideas. Not just theoretical ideas, but ideas from consumers
themselves. People outside your company may have a different approach, another point of view. The
point of view of the consumer, which is fundamental to the success of any business.
Innovative ideas
People who participate in an open crowdsourcing call have nothing to lose. They do it anonymously
and are not afraid of the opinion of others. This is how you can come up with the most innovative and
creative ideas you could ever have imagined.
You reduce costs
Crowdsourcing allows you to get amazing solutions at a very low cost. Participants are not employees
of your company and are only looking to participate to get a reward.
You can discover talents
Among the participants you may find real talents for your company. If so, you can choose them for a future project.