Wahyu Septiadi with Lenses

 Ramadhan Kareementitled Eid Mubarak 1442 H William Felix with Lenses entitled Eid al-Fitr Wilson Jonathan Oey with Lenses entitled Remove Barriers 2 Wilson Jonathan Oey with Lenses entitled Remove Barriers 1 Thank you to all developers who have participated. For those who haven’t been lucky, keep your spirits up! Always stay tuned for the latest Challenges at dExample of Use Case Diagram Complete with Explanation Hello, how are you friends? It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other, hehe. Hopefully something that is easy to learn. The first step in modeling is of course the need for a diagram that is able to deexamples of use case diagrams along with explanations. 

OVO Payment ovo use case diagram

 OVO is a smart application that makes transactions easy (OVO Cash), and functions to collect points in many places (OVO Points). This is an example of a use case diagram for a case study on OVO. The image above is an example of a use case diagram for OVO, the explanation is as follows: User : People who can access or use the OVO application, starting from logging into the application to carrying whatsapp data out actions on the application such as top up balances, transfers and payments. Register : Register is the first step a user takes when they don’t have access to the OVO application. Register personal data into the application so that it is recognized. Login: After getting an account, the user must log in to be able to access various OVO application features. 

Top up An activity carried out by users

 Top up their OVO balance. There are 2 alternative options for topping up your balance, namely via ATM and internet banking. Transfer : Transfer functions to send or share balances in the OVO application to other users, either fellow OVO users or to certain accounts. Payment : When the user selects the payment menu, the user can make payments via the application. ATM machine example of use case diagram – atm Actors involved: Customer, Bank, and ATM Phone Number US Operator. Existing use cases: sessions, transactions, transfers, cash withdrawals, balance checks, system startup, and system shutdown. Below are some complete explanations of the use case: System Startup : This system will be turned on by the operator when turning the switch to the “ON” position.