The Congress of the 30th anniversary of Dircom

The actress and presenter Verónica Mengod, master of ceremonies of the Congress, gave way to the closing intervention of Miguel López-Quesada, president of Dircom. «At Dircom, over the last 30 years, we have worked to professionalize the Communication function, highlight its strategic importance in organizations and disseminate our role in society. “There have been three decades of history in which the institution has valued the strategic contribution and the transformative capacity of communication and its managers as agents of change,” he assured. «With this Congress, in addition to anticipating, reading what is coming, we wanted to convey that the only way to face the future is to generate alliances: with other organizations, with the legislative, economic, with the third sector and with other actors. social. And we have done it during these two days without talking about communication.

Communication managers and directors

In his closing speech, Isabel Rodríguez assured: «As agents of change, need to know what the new scenarios in which your profession will develop top industry data in the coming years will be like. It is a very important opportunity because it allows the rest of society to anticipate social trends. In some way, you are helping us prepare for what is coming in areas as relevant as technology and sustainability , and this takes on a special, very special and transcendental role in a context as complex as the one we are going through. Therefore, congratulations for all these years of work, for this congress. And that they be many more. Congratulations”.

Next horizons: the 15-minute city

Among other things, the famous scientist, urban planner and professor at the Parisian Sorbonne University told us: «The city is a sphere whose Phone Number US center should be everywhere and its circumference nowhere. Therefore, the 15-minute city is a concept that has been worked on for three years with C40 Cities. Our main contribution in this sense is to consider that sustainability. From the triple ecological, economic and social angle. Therefore, has its reason for being if we manage to increase the quality of life where we live. Therefore, he continued: “We have accepted the unacceptable: long trips, poorly used buildings, loss of social interactions, segmented, fractured, zoned cities… It is necessary to build a new urban and territorial narrative.”