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The Complete Guide to Understanding Doorway Pages and SEO Effects

A strong SEO strategy is a key element of building a successful digital brand.

Why? Because search engine optimization refers to the process of improving features on your website and other digital assets to appear Complete Guide  higher in search engine rankings and increase the visibility of your brand.

While there are many things

Doorway pages are one Complete Guide  example of a negative SEO factor that can hurt your rankings and get you in trouble with  Google and other search engines.

  • But what exactly are doorway pages?
  • Why are they bad for your strategy?
  • How do you recognize them on your own website?

In this article, we’ll answer Complete

Guide  those questions estonia phone number data and help you determine whether or not you have doorway step by step to analyze a client’s buyer persona pages on your site that are hurting your SEO plans.

  • What are Doorway Pages?
  • Are Doorway Pages Bad for Your SEO Strategy?
  • What are Examples of Doorway Pages?
  • How to Determine if a Page is a Doorway Page
  • How to Go About Removing Doorway Pages
  • Wrap Up

What are Doorway Pages?

They go by a number of other Complete Guide  names, including phone number taiwan gateway pages, bridge pages, jump pages, and entry pages.

Basically, doorway pages are low-quality, low-value pages that were built to rank high for specific keywords or search terms by stuffing in keywords.

However, rather than providing information on the keyword it ranks for, doorway pages link or redirect the user back to a different page on your site through a “doorway” and offer little value to readers by itself.

For example, imagine that you have the main page on your website focused on “Best Men’s Jewelry”. Then you create 15 different Complete Guide  pages targeting search phrases like:


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