How to choose the best professional hosting for WordPress in Spanish?

How to choose, Do you want to know which one is the best? Don’t worry, let’s get to it. But, before entering fully into the topic I would like to clarify. That my opinion on which are the best hostings in Spanish is based on my own experience. which I have had with my blog and with some of my clients’ websites. In recent years I have had, on the one hand, many problems with cheap. And not so cheap) hosting.But on the other, very good experiences with others of very good quality. Having said that let’s see which ones are really worth recommending. Spoiler currently I recommend the companies Raiola Networks. Webempresa , SiteGround and Dinahosting. I think they are one of the best hostings in Spanish, below I will tell you why.

Time to Upgrade to Higher-quality WordPress Hosting

How to choose, So that you understand me better, let me now also tell you the story of “José Facchin’s blog. And the hostings that I have had over the last 10 years. Let’s get to it! On December 15, 2012, I created my blog using the free platform. This free platform more than met my email contact list initial basic expectations. And helped me not have to worry about almost anything other than generating content. Especially taking into account my little experience in the subject at that time. What’s more, although I was not an expert on the subject. I got the hang of it very quickly. In October 2013, my blog already had a good average of visits (almost 8 thousand monthly. But personally I noticed that it had hit its ceiling. Something was missing. And one day I discovered it. I had a lot of social traffic and almost no SEO positioning in Google.

Loading speed and performance

 It is for this reason that, after looking at many options. At the end of that same month I migrated from the free platform to my own hosted on Hostgator. My time at Hostgator was a little more productive, at least at the beginning. I went from having about 300 visits a day Phone Number US to almost 900 at the end of 2014. This was all well and good, of course, but this was where my problems began. As my traffic increased day after day, so did the server outages and the periods of time when. My website was offline. My deduction was that this provider was a good and economical choice for a blog that. Was just starting out or with little traffic. But that it fell very short when experiencing some reader growth. Time to upgrade to higher-quality WordPress hosting At this point I started.

log in to Gmail Tutorial to enter your email account

Logging in to Google email is very simple, you just have to go to the main page. Of the search engine and choose any of the options that you will find at the top right. Proceed as shown in the following image: How to Enter or Log in to Gmail from. A Computer Pc or Mac.Click on the dot matrix on the upper right side which. will be displayed with several of the services of this search engine. One of those services that are opened is precisely the email service. Which you will quickly recognize by its well-known logo. Since this company knows that this is one of its most used applications. They usually place a link in this upper part without having to display the previous matrix. You can also enter the platform directly using the address.

Proceed as Shown in the Following Image:

log in to Gmail, The next thing you need is to write your account password. That is, the one you chose when creating your email account. Again if you don’t remember it with the option Have you forgotten your password. You can remember it with the recovery system or choose a top people data new one. Once you have written it, click “Next” and that’s it. You will have finished logging into Gmail from your computer whether PC or Mac. How can I log into Gmail without having to log in again from scratch. You must keep in mind that, if you use Chrome as your browser. It is very important to keep your session logged in. Since to make the most of this browser and the different Google services. Such as uploading videos to YouTube It is necessary to have an account in this service.

Download the Application

Therefore, and in summary: my advice is that if you use the Google Web browser. Once you manage to enter Gmail, when you are going to stop using your Phone Number US email do not close said session. Thus, when accessing it later you will not need to re-enter your credentials to use it. How to log in to Gmail from your Android mobile or iPhone. Now that you know how to log in from your computer. let’s see how you can do the same from your mobile. In fact, it’s much easier, and the steps are not that different. Let’s start with the tutorial. Download the application The first thing you need to do to access it from your mobile. is, obviously, download the App. In the case of Android, it usually has it by default, so you don’t need to download it. However, if you need it, you can download it through from this this link .

What is email marketing? Mega guide to create a more modern

What is email, There are many who still do not know what email marketing is or continue. To think that this technique consists of carrying out massive email campaigns. That is, “hunting ducks with a machine gun. I still hear that it is not bad to buy databases or incorporate any email to our lists. Given which, we must ask ourselves: is this an example of email marketing or is it Spam. Perhaps these are some of the reasons why, until a few years ago. This strategy was so criticized and it was even heard that. It was on the verge of disappearing or playing a secondary role within a Digital Marketing Plan . For this reason, and in the midst of so much media noise. In this article I would like to first clarify the definition of this term. So that before showing you how to carry out a well-designed strategy.

Stay in Touch With Customers

What is email, Email Marketing is a means of digital communication that is carried email leads out by sending emails. Communication takes place between a sender (which is usually a company or entrepreneur. And a receiver (the subscriber to its databases. In order to attract and retain them as a customer. This is a non-invasive strategy for the user and much more direct than other. Techniques used on the Internet, given that the person receiving the. Emails does so in the inbox of their email account . In addition. He has previously given his consent to periodically receive this type of shipment. Remember: email marketing is one of the most effective. And least invasive direct communication techniques for the user who receives them. So it should be included in every digital marketing strategy.

Send Them News and Updates

This is a question that if you have read carefully from the beginning. You may have been able to intuit Stay in touch with customers. As already mentioned in Phone Number US the previous definition. It is above all a “communication technique so it represents a direct. And close thread through which you can listen to the requests and feedback of your community. Send them news and updates Just like I personally do with the contents of my blog. If you publish weekly on it, it would be good to send them that new content through this digital medium. They will surely be happy to know that they can enjoy a new article from. One of their favorite blogs to which they subscribe. Generate engagement That direct contact that. I was telling you about has a reason for being: to create empathy.

Hootsuite what is it for and how does this platform work?

Hootsuite what, The pipeline guarantees us to control our sales processes. Detect opportunities and possible obstacles. Understand your sales processes In B2B businesses or high-ticket products. The decision process is more thoughtful, and a sale can take 3 to 6 months, or even a year, to close. Knowing the data of your processes will allow you to have a more accurate sales forecast and better control of your financial flow. Both in terms of income and costs. Monitor the health of your sales A healthy pipeline is one that. Has a recurring flow of potential clients that feed. And from there work the different stages until their conversion. Detect possible obstacles in the process You know what percentage of prospects you convert in each phase. This tool allows you to detect.

What Are the Pricing Plans That Hootsuite Offers?

Hootsuite what, Drawing up a marketing strategy that allows you to get more followers who fall in love with your product or service. That makes sales skyrocket using the web as a platform, is sometimes complicated. Because it requires investing a lot of time to achieve it. It has several email database functions that will allow you to ensure the success of your brand. In those activities where you have an impact such as. You will be able to study who your potential clients are. Evaluate how the competition is progressing on different social channels. It gives you information about how your network sales are evolving. It allows you to reach the largest number of users possible. Whether you have one or more profiles dedicated to positioning content or products.

Automatically Schedule Posts Auto Schedule

Professional plan with it you can have 10 profiles at the same time. Managed by a single person or company. The budget to access this service in this specific niche can be around 99 euros. Team plan: administration corresponds to 3 users and they are. Allowed to Phone Number US have 20 profiles on social networks under their responsibility. The investment in this case is approximately 249 euros per month. Business plan: here the range opens up, because 5 users can work with a maximum of 35 profiles. On social networks. The payment in this category is more than 762 euros per month. Company plan: here the plan is applied to the requirements requested by each company. If you are a small, medium or large company. It will depend on your sales or what you want to achieve.

A sales pipeline what is it for and why should you have one?

A sales pipeline, With this tool, clients are tracked in an organized way. In this sense, the precise movements that the sales team must make so Monitor the health of your sales A healthy pipeline is one that has a recurring flow of potential clients that feed it. And from there work the different stages until their conversion. Detect possible obstacles in the process You know what percentage. Of prospects you convert in each phase. This tool allows you to detect if there is any stage. The pipeline guarantees us to control our sales processes. Detect opportunities and possible obstacles. Understand your sales processes In B2B businesses or high-ticket products. The decision process is more thoughtful,

Main Indicators of a Pipeline

A sales pipeline, With this tool, clients are tracked in an organized way. In this sense, the precise movements that the sales team must make so that the client reaches the end of the funnel are indicated. But this does not end here. Because it also allows you to design. Strategies to job function email list retain customers and thus avoid losing potential ones and include many more. Main indicators of a pipeline By implementing this. Tool you will be able to visualize some key metrics of your sales flow. For example: the number of current contacts. The average value of the offers made, the sales speed, the conversion rate… Each business must adapt and design its own pipeline according to the characteristics of its business.o.

Understand Your Sales Processes

The pipeline guarantees us to control our sales processes. Detect opportunities and possible obstacles. Understand your sales processes In B2B businesses or high-ticket products. The decision process is more thoughtful, and a sale can take 3 to 6 months, or even a year, to close. Knowing the data of your processes will allow you to have a more accurate sales Phone Number US forecast. And better control of your financial flow, both in terms of income and costs. Monitor the health of your sales A healthy pipeline is one that has a recurring flow of potential clients that feed it. And from there work the different stages until their conversion. Detect possible obstacles in the process You know what percentage. Of prospects you convert in each phase. This tool allows you to detect if there is any stage.

Conclusion of digital marketing strategies for SMEs

What is a digital advertising display. Conclusion of what types exist social media icons. Social media channels More and more. Users research a company on social networks before purchasing a product or service. Working on your corporate brand in order to show closeness, trust, transparency and professionalism will position you above your other competitors who do not work on their presence on social networks. Many make the mistake of creating social profiles and abandoning them after a while.

Conclusion of guide

What image do you think.  Conclusion of you email contact list  are giving if you have abandoned your profiles. Another common.  Conclusion of mistake is falling into the belief that anyone. Conclusion of  can manage their social networks at a professional level. example of traffic on social networks. Here the figure of the community manager comes into play , who will help you achieve. The best results with good planning, study and strategy. One of the most forgotten (by people who want to launch their online business.

Social media

When creating a website. Don’t be Phone Number US blinded just.  Conclusion of by the pretty appearance of a page. Make sure the user experience is good, that it is adapted to mobile devices, that the loading time is short, etc. If you work on the SEO of your website, you will get Google to show you to users. And when that happens the advantages that your business achieves are very great. It’s no use having a brilliant product if no one sees you.

What is a digital advertising display and what types exist

No data will be transferred to third parties. Except  under legal obligation. You have the right to access, rectify and delete the data, as well as other rights, by writing to as explained in the additional information. If you do not provide the personal. Therefore, data requested in the form as mandatory, it may result in able to fulfill the purpose. What is  for which they are requested. The electronic bulletins or newsletter are managed by MailChimp and the data you provide us is located on its servers whose headquarters are located within the territory.

What is marketing strategy

You can consult additional and detailed. Information  top people data on Data Protection at this link. The time has come to tell you the types of online marketing strategies for SMEs that you can use in order to publicize your product or service and be able to earn more money. Advertising on social networks. You as an entrepreneur. What is have to be where people are . And where are your clients or potential clients. Most of their time online. Exactly, on social networks . This is the reason I want to give you. Therefore, so that you take this type of strategy into account. Since it is almost impossible for your ideal client not to be present on social networks.

Content curation

The negative part. The thing is that Phone Number US nowadays if you want short-term results. Therefore, being present on networks. What is uploading publications is not enough, since the vast majority have a very short organic reach. Another positive point of this type of strategy is that you can impact people who saw a specific. Product or service on your website with ads and encourage. Them to end up buying from you. To do this. I recommend seeking the help of a digital advertising specialist. Since today the competition in advertising on networks is very high and if you do it on your own you may get a result that you do not want.

What is digital marketing in SMEs

Post contents. What is digital marketing in SMEs. Marketing and digital. What is marketing strategies for SMEs and businesses Conclusion of digital marketing strategies for SMEs What is digital marketing in SMEs? Digital marketing for SMEs or small businesses is based on the creation of a strategy. Or set of strategies that allows your business to achieve the objectives you set for yourself through a series of actions that you have to carry out. For these actions to be carried out successfully in the digital strategies. You have to ask yourself a series of questions. That will vary depending on the objective and the digital medium you are going to use.

 What is social media

But there are three questions. That every email leads businessman has to ask himself when carrying out digital marketing for the company. What do you want to achieve. In what ways are you going to achieve it. How will it be measured. These three questions have to become your main pillar when faced. With any of the strategies.What is that I am going to talk to you about below. Marketing and digital marketing strategies for SMEs and businesses. Are you interested in being one of the first to have my articles. On Personal Branding and Social Media in your email.

Advice on marketing

We are more than. Are you Phone Number US signing up. As a gift you get this  from the Community. Manager Claudio. Complete. Guide for the Community. Manager Name I have read and accept the privacy policy. Responsible for treatment. Purpose. Management of subscriptions generated. What is and downloads through.  Sending publications. Recommendations.  Legitimation: its legal basis is the consent of the interested party.

7 Digital Marketing Strategies for SMEs

Small businesses is based on the7 Digital creation of a strategy or set of strategies that allows your business to achieve the objectives you set for yourself through a series of actions that you have to carry out.7 Marketing and digital marketing strategies for SMEs and businesses Are you interested in being one of the first to have my articles on Personal Branding and Social Media in your email. We are more than 30,000. Are you signing up. What are the best digital marketing strategies for SMEs.

7 Digital content curation

What marketing strategies should you take into 7 Digital.When working email database  on a digital project. In this post you will see some of the best marketing and digital marketing. Strategies to apply now. Being visible on the Internet today can be said to be no longer an option. But an obligation, for that simple reason there is enough weight for you to consider carrying out digital marketing strategies for your SME or business. The internet consumption. Habit caused by the pandemic cause. Spanish consumers to increase their online consumption.

Influencer marketing

Where  did so to find out about Phone Number US offers or promotions. Given this digital consumption boom by users. many companies are taking seriously 7 Digital. Businesses and applying strategies. hat they can carry out according to the resources they have available. In case you don’t know what I’m talking about, influencer marketing. Consists of reaching a collaboration with influential people. Within your same sector or niche so that they can share what you offer in your company to their community.

Businesses launching on the Internet

What are the best digital marketing strategies for. What Businesses launching should you take into account when working on a digital project? In this post you will see some of the best marketing and digital marketing strategies to apply now. Being visible on the Internet today can be said to be no longer an option. But an obligation, for that simple reason there is enough. Weight for you to consider carrying out digital marketing strategies for your SME or business.

Sales funnels

The internet consumption. Habit job function email list  caused. Businesses launching of Spanish consumers to increase their online consumption. Therefore, where did so to find out about offers or promotions. Given this digital consumption. Boom by users. Many companies are taking seriously digitalizing their. Businesses and applying strategies that they can carry out according to the resources they have available. Post contents. What is digital marketing in SMEs. Marketing and digital marketing strategies for SMEs and businesses. Therefore, Conclusion of digital marketing strategies. For SMEs What is digital marketing in SMEs. Digital marketing for SMEs.

Businesses launching Storytelling

For these actions to be carried Phone Number US out successfully in the SME’s digital strategies, you have to ask yourself a series of questions. Businesses launching depending on the objective and the digital medium you are going to use. But there are three questions that every businessman has to ask himself when carrying out digital marketing for the company. What do you want to achieve. In what ways are you going to achieve it. How will These three questions have to become your main pillar when faced with any of the strategies that I am going to talk to you about below.