Show Understanding Love Has No

 Furthermore, these changes have enabl the emergence of new ways of knowing, doing and proceing . The competencies appear relat to the teaching of students and the training and improvement of teachers. The ucator must know a previously establish competence and his real competence (Bunk, 1994). Professional competence is the ability that an individual possesses and is manifest in the mastery of knowlge, skills and abilities in order to carry out a certain activity. It should be not that the formulation of competencies is not the result of an objective decision, but is dynamic and the result of theoretical and ideological options that leave great room for interpretation (Perrenoud, 2010).

Bad He Does Not

Thus, with the advancement of science, competencies and the intention to improve capabilities, skills and abilities change. The intensity and accelerat advancement of society have an impact on the classroom: this is where the teacher must act competently to have an appropriate reaction. It is these renew business database attitudes and methods that will lead to true quality ucation and learning. *This post is a collaboration of Eric Gálvez, professor at the Department of General Studies at the Universidad Privada del Norte . Bibliographic references: Bruns, B.

Rejoice in What Is

And luque, j. (2014). Excellent teachers. How to improve learning in latin america and the caribbean. World bank. World bank report. Retriev from cc by 3.0. bunk, g. (1994). Dialnet. Obtain Phone Number US from the transmission of competencies in professional training and development of the rfa: latransmisiondelascompetenciasenlaformacionyperfec-131116%20(2).pdf perrenoud, p. (2010). Ten new skills to teach. Barcelona: graó. Rivas, a. (2015). Latin america after pisa: lessons learn from ucation in seven countries 2000-2015.