How to choose the best professional hosting for WordPress in Spanish?

How to choose, Do you want to know which one is the best? Don’t worry, let’s get to it. But, before entering fully into the topic I would like to clarify. That my opinion on which are the best hostings in Spanish is based on my own experience. which I have had with my blog and with some of my clients’ websites. In recent years I have had, on the one hand, many problems with cheap. And not so cheap) hosting.But on the other, very good experiences with others of very good quality. Having said that let’s see which ones are really worth recommending. Spoiler currently I recommend the companies Raiola Networks. Webempresa , SiteGround and Dinahosting. I think they are one of the best hostings in Spanish, below I will tell you why.

Time to Upgrade to Higher-quality WordPress Hosting

How to choose, So that you understand me better, let me now also tell you the story of “José Facchin’s blog. And the hostings that I have had over the last 10 years. Let’s get to it! On December 15, 2012, I created my blog using the free platform. This free platform more than met my email contact list initial basic expectations. And helped me not have to worry about almost anything other than generating content. Especially taking into account my little experience in the subject at that time. What’s more, although I was not an expert on the subject. I got the hang of it very quickly. In October 2013, my blog already had a good average of visits (almost 8 thousand monthly. But personally I noticed that it had hit its ceiling. Something was missing. And one day I discovered it. I had a lot of social traffic and almost no SEO positioning in Google.

Loading speed and performance

 It is for this reason that, after looking at many options. At the end of that same month I migrated from the free platform to my own hosted on Hostgator. My time at Hostgator was a little more productive, at least at the beginning. I went from having about 300 visits a day Phone Number US to almost 900 at the end of 2014. This was all well and good, of course, but this was where my problems began. As my traffic increased day after day, so did the server outages and the periods of time when. My website was offline. My deduction was that this provider was a good and economical choice for a blog that. Was just starting out or with little traffic. But that it fell very short when experiencing some reader growth. Time to upgrade to higher-quality WordPress hosting At this point I started.