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Marketing Automation for B2B: How to Qualify Your Leads

Marketing automation strategies for the B2B market: although until some time ago the personalization of the customer experience and the activities aimed at creating and improving the relationship between the company and the customer were mainly the prerogative of companies operating in the B2C world , today they are proving to be crucial and fundamental even in the B2B field .

Data and statistics prove it: if on average 50% of leads, although interested in a product or service offered, are not ready to buy it when they publish data and contact details, according to a study published by Forrester Research , an effective lead nurturing strategy is capable of converting 50% of leads into customers, at a third of their acquisition cost.

This is why an effective marketing automation macedonia phone number data strategy proves to be an asset not only in the acquisition of new contacts, but especially in the following phases, that is, those concerning the valorization and qualification of the contact , which are essential to transform each lead into a customer.

User profiling and segmentation: the secret weapon of a successful marketing automation strategy for the B2B market

If the objectives of an effective marketing automation strategy for the B2B market are mainly oriented towards Building a real relationship link of the module in the middle between the company and the potential customer , aiming to facilitate the transformation of the latter from a simple interlocutor into a real buyer of the product/service, it goes without saying that the sound In-depth knowledge is a key aspect of IT .


In this context, the contribution of a phone number vietnam Customer Data Platform such as Blendee becomes crucial: much more than a CRM , these technological solutions are capable of collecting, unifying and standardizing data from multiple sources at the level of a single customer view .

The result? We offer the user, online and offline, the right content at the right time, engaging them with personalized messages and communications, while fully respecting privacy.

Marketing Automation Strategies for the B2B Market: The Effectiveness of On-Site Personalization

From improving the user browsing experience, to retaining existing customers, to optimizing website performance and campaign investments: most of the benefits of an effective marketing automation strategy for the B2B market, especially in the lead generation phase, concern Activities that can be carri out directly on site .

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