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LGPD: public bodies seek privacy solutions

Public bodies are constant targets of hacker attacks. The reason they are so after is because they handle sensitive and confidential information when serving a large part of the population.

In short, cybercriminals are looking for valuable information that can to commit other crimes such as phishing, extortion or to make a profit. Illegal buyers of such data often pay a high price, which is very attractive to cybercriminals.

To address the problem, government agencies need to focus more on cybersecurity. For this reason, it is important for government agencies to invest in security technology and raise awareness about cybersecurity.

Attacks on public bodies: recent cases in Brazil

In Brazil, we have had recent cases of cyberattacks involving ransomware. In 2021 alone, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Economy were, among four other institutions. Other cases of attacks were with the STJ (2020) and STF (2021-2022).

In the case of the Ministry of Health, on December 10, 2021, criminals gained access to the website and announced on the homepage that the email data  data from the systems had been copied and deleted. A ransom was demanded for the government to have the data recovered. In total, more than 50 terabytes of data were deleted.

Privacy solutions for public agencies

The LGPD establishes that public bodies must protect all personal data they possess and that they must also adopt security measures how to do it right  at protecting them, as well as other companies. In addition, with the regulation of dosimetry, it will be easier to determine the degree of damage in incident situations from now on.

There are several consequences of violations of data protection rules provided for by the LGPD and applicable by the ANPD, which can affect public bodies.

Monitoring and testing are essential

In conclusion: as they are targets bgb directory after by criminals. Several tests must be out by professionals who understand the subject. Thus seeking to evaluate the current level of effectiveness of your system against cyber invasions.

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