The preferred tool for making mass mailings on WhatsApp is the same for both personal and business messaging. Broadcast lists, in which you can send not only texts, but also photos, videos, PDF files and GIFs.
So you have to be careful not to abuse or infringe specific database by industry on bad practices. Below we will indicate some software that gives you the necessary tools to send mass messages through WhatsApp Business successfully, in the meantime we will answer how to send mass messages through WhatsApp in a few steps:
- Enter the WhatsApp app and locate the three vertical dots that represent the tools menu located at the top right.
- Select the “new broadcast” option and a list of contacts will open.
- Add the contacts from your address book that you want to your broadcast list.
- Tap the green check.
Features that distinguish a message sent from a broadcast list
- As an important point, you should know that for a contact to receive the message. Even if they are on your list, they must have your number saved in their contacts.
- You will know if one of the members of your list does not have you saved if you. Notice that the message has the check mark for sent from your phone, but it does not reach theirs. That is, the second check mark or double check for sending is not marked.
- Messages sent from a broadcast list are sent to each recipient and are received as a personalized message in their chat. If they respond, it will only be reflected in your WhatsApp chat with this user. This is completely different if messages are sent via a WhatsApp group that are visible to everyone.
- The recipient won’t know it’s a broadcast list message because there’s nothing that distinguishes it from any other type of message, unless you tell them so in the text. The sender does have a distinctive feature: a speaker icon.
Benefits of sending mass messages through WhatsApp Business
In addition to the benefits of the high redirect url with year, month and day to convenient opening rate of this app that makes WhatsApp a breeding ground for business, there are other benefits implicit in sending mass messages through WhatsApp Business:
- Reduce the margin of error: write one text instead of a thousand.
- Saving time and effort.
- Greater chance of gaining leads (potential customers): WhatsApp has many active users per month.
- Personalization of messages based on prior segmentation of the type of client.
- Increase in conversion rate.
Be careful not to cross the line and end up blocked by WhatsApp
While it is wonderful to be able to create broadcast lists and enjoy the benefits of sending mass messages through WhatsApp Business , the truth is that the platform has strict policies that penalize those who break the rules. One of the common causes is related to incorrect mass sending.
Some of the reasons that WhatsApp considers when blocking a user are:
- If your user is blocked by several people in a close period of time.
- Send mass mailings to many people.
- Violating WhatsApp’s terms of use.
Programs to send mass messages through WhatsApp Business
It’s no secret that WhatsApp is really strict spam data when it comes to enforcing the well-being of users and defends them tooth and nail from annoying spam . To avoid being blocked or sending messages that don’t reach their destination because they were not saved as a contact, one of the great solutions is to integrate specialized software to send mass messages through WhatsApp Business .