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Future Mini LED Market Forecast

Table of contents
1. Price is the most sensitive factor in increasing. The penetration rate of Mini L TV, and Mini L TV is on the verge of mass production
2. Logic for calculating the penetration level of Mini L TV depending on price sensitivity
3. Mini L TV sales forecast
4. The market size of Mini L TV backlight modules is expect. To reach 7.8 billion, 10.1 billion and 12.6 billion yuan in 2025-2027.
5. Market forecast Future Mini LED
1. Price is the most sensitive factor in increasing. The penetration rate of Mini L TV, and Mini L TV is on the verge of mass production.
The driving force behind the increase in Mini L TV penetration is twofold.

With replacement demand becoming

A major component of TV sales in my country, consumers are likely. To maintain or even improve their desire for picture quality and china number data viewing. After experiencing better picture quality and viewing.

2) Both suppliers and terminals have shown a willingness. To promote Mini L TV products into the volume price range, which may stimulate this supply upgrade.

Logic for calculating Future Mini LED

The penetration level of Mini L TV depending on price sensitivity
Consumers of different sizes of mini L TVs have different price sensitivity. In recent years, the global TV shipments have been basically stable at around 200 million units. We calculate the penetration rate of mini L TVs bas on fairy tales about safety: where do you go, dear? the global shipments of TV panels of different sizes. In terms of price, we compare the price decline in the Chinese market with the price decline of mini L TVs around the world. We take the average price of 22Q3 and 23Q3 as an example to calculate the average price decline of mini L TVs of different sizes from 22 to 23. Together with the increase in penetration rate during the period, we obtain the price sensitivity coefficients for sizes 55, 65 and 75+.

Mini L TV sales forecast Future Mini LED

Bas on the calculation of the ruction in the cost of the Mini backlight module and the total machine cost, under the trend of central african leads scale effect and the improvement of solution maturity, assuming that the price of the Mini L panel (open cell) will drop slightly by 10% in the same direction, it is calculat that the price of the Mini L TV terminal can drop by 24.8%, and the corresponding penetration rates of 55, 65, 75+ are expect to increase to 5.4%, 9.1% and 18.1%.

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