Everybody wants to write interesting content

Time is valuable, so if your readers take the time to read your blog, provide them with as much added value and benefit as possible. Your job is to find added value and benefits and deliver them to your readers in an interesting way. Companies also shouldn’t talk about “themselves,” , and what results they achieve for clients (except for case study posts, which have a separate formula). they will get help (free or paid products/services) and that the company is the right partner. Here are two more comments from Ilona that prove the effectiveness of my approach: What it means to go from Blogger to Professional™ Many businesses and entrepreneurs are afraid to speak up about their expertise.

Thank you for your blog where you provide very

A place to replenish your faith… Thank you for the wonderful blog you actively write…  real, concrete tips… Thank you, your work is important. ….. , creativity will disappear. But even if posts are planned and written according to a “certain formula,” there’s still room new database for creativity. Let Ritva and Inna’s feedback prove it: What it means to go from blogger to professional™ from you to the reader, i.e. why you can’t just write about yourself We want to talk about ourselves. We want to share what we do, achieve and experience. But is it really fun? No. This is why the content of a professional or business blog cannot be just what you want to write there. The reader hopes to get some reward for his time.

Many people use storytelling and it is known

 Now I can go days or even weeks without writing anything. This work has been prioritized and everything has been automated and scheduled as much as possible. I will teach you these same processes in the first module of coaching because I know that you will not get the most out of coaching if you try to add learning to your current daily life. First we clear space, then we learn. That’s the secret. Ilona is a doctor who joined in the summer of 2018. into coaching: There’s a formula to that.  to be effective. But if the story doesn’t work out (like mine did), then the formula I teach will be helpful and useful. start receiving feedback  Phone Number US like this: I can’t stop reading! Luckily I was able to step away from your blog that evening…I had 7 tabs open to view your posts…I came back to your blog again and again…your blog is mine