How to choose and combine colors on your website

Until they matter. What legal texts are mandatory on a website Any website How to choose should have, at a minimum, the following legal texts that I am going to show you. And I say at least, because depending on the type of website (corporate, e-commerce, etc.), you will ne more or fewer pages and details: 1. Legal notice The Legal Notice is mandatory for any website whose owner benefits from it directly or indirectly. The only web pages that are not requir to have legal notice are those that do not have a direct or indirect economic purpose. in this option you can decide which WordPress roles have access to the backend when the website is under construction or maintenance.

Website in which

Privacy policy The Privacy Policy page is mandatory for any  personal data of company data visitors and users is collect and manag . But not only is having the Privacy Policy page enough, but we must also comply with a series of obligations in the exact places where we collect user data . And what places are those? Well, through any type of form. Each user must expressly consent to the transfer of their data , therefore, in all forms that appear on the website, whether contact, subscription, Among the types of cookies, there are also some for which it is not necessary to inform or express consent for installation.

Membership or even

Checkout of an online store, registration for a in the blog comments box, a mandatory check must appear Phone Number US through which the user acknowlges having read and accepts the How to choose privacy policy. In addition, the first legal layer of information must appear on all forms , also mandatory, as you see here: legal layer form Legal layer on a subscription form. 3. Cookies policy The Cookies Policy page is mandatory for any website that uses cookies , whether their own or third-party cookies… that is, for almost all of them.