Social networks, initially dedicated to leisure and communities, have already had the opportunity to transform themselves a few years ago to become media in their own right. Social Commerce then presents itself as a new opportunity for transformation for social networks; and as an opportunity for advertisers and users of these platforms to develop and have access to a new online. Shopping experience, an experience enriched by the integration. Of social network and e-commerce codes, from entertainment to interactivity .
This phenomenon of “Social Commerce” has already developed strongly estonia phone number library for several years in Asia. Favored by the deployment on networks of essential features for e-commerce. Product catalog, shopping cart, check out. In this article, we will focus on the different forms that Social. Commerce can take and which platforms can serve as inspiration to better understand it.
The importance of social networks in the world
Social networks are highlighting in the development of Social Commerce an ergonomic, immersive and seamless shopping experience for “consumer” users. In just a few clicks, the products they discover on the platform are purchase. Without even feeling like they are leaving the platform.
This common base is enabled by so-called “direct shopping” features . These features bring together the front-end and back-end features that enable purchasing on social networks: online store, product catalog, adding to cart, payment on the social network, etc.
These features form the basis of social commerce, and they are enriche by activation formats that can be activated organically or for a fee.
The forms that social commerce can take
Six different formats for an experimental purchasing journey
We have identified six main activation formats for Social Commerce. Each is base on features that can dedicate to it (product tag, launch tag, live purchase tag, etc.). These features allow the user to redirected from social how to communicate your csr campaign in the digital world? networks to the common base of “direct shopping” where the purchase is finalizd.
Static Shopping includes the most “traditional” formats that lack data exploit the interaction features of social networks: publication, story, carousel, etc. It is a model that flourishes on most platforms that have developed a media offer, for example, WeChat in China.