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What were the biggest convictions resulting from the LGPD?

The LGPD issue has been more frequently in legal decisions and has even in convictions. Even without any fines being by the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD), some companies have already been, and in some cases, by courts throughout Brazil.

Although the majority of cases did not result in conviction – over 70% in 2021 and around 57% in 2022 – there were still significant convictions.

All information cited here was taken from the Opice Blum office, referring to the 2021 and 2022 reports .

What was the average LGPD fine amount?

According to the information mobile phone number data updated 2025 in the 2021 report, the average value was between R$2,000 and R$11,000, with this range accounting for a large percentage (80%) of convictions. In total, 1,265 decisions were analyze.

In the latest edition, 438 decisions were analyze

The monetary sentences ranged from R$280.00 to R$25,948.00. The most common what you should do now were in the amounts of R$3,000.00, R$5,000.00 and R$10,000.00.

Please note that the amounts are from before the Dosimetry regulation. Now, administrative sanctions may be applied by the National Data Protection Authority. The amounts vary! Therefore, see what sanctions are foreseen for those who do not comply with the General Data Protection Law.

What are the sanctions provided for in the General Data Protection Law?

  • Warning;
  • Simple fine of up to 2% (two percent) of the company’s revenue, in total, R$50,000,000.00 (fifty million reais), per violation;
  • Daily fine, with a bgb directory limit of R$50,000,000.00;
  • Publication of the violation;
  • Blocking of personal data;
  • Deletion of personal data;
  • Partial suspension of the database operation for a maximum of 6 (six) months, extendable for the same period, until the situation
  • Suspension of the exercise of the activity of processing personal data for a maximum of 6 (six) months, extendable for the same period;
  • Partial or total prohibition of the exercise of related activities.

The data cited here were originally from judicial decisions in various courts in Brazil.

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