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The impact of high-quality reviews on website promotion in Google

Publishing high-quality reviews can help people learn more about products, services, games, movies, service levels, etc. Reviews can be of different quality, from different people. Let’s take a closer look at this. Because Google is increasingly paying attention to EEAT . website promotion in Googleall website owners and businesses need to pay very close attention to the availability of reviews on their websites, as well as their quality and who they come from.

Who can post reviews and comments?

An expert employee or salesperson stockholder database who guides people between competing products.

A blogger who expresses independent opinions.

An editorial staff member on a news or other publishing website.

Real or potential users and buyers.

What can an optimal feedback form contain?

Text form. Specifically for entering the text of the review. Do not allow reviews to be less than 100-150 characters, as such reviews are of little use.

Rating. Setting a rating for a particular product or service solves the problem of quickly perceiving an overall rating. The average rating value helps users make a decision.

Images: Create the ability to upload images so that reviews are supported by visual facts.

Advantages and disadvantages. website configure form notifications promotion in Google Such information alone can provide an additional opportunity to evaluate the offer.

Authorship. Name, nickname, social media profile, etc. Personalizing the review is very important for users because it allows users to understand that the review is from a real person.

Author status

For example: buyer, employee, blogger, dealer, partner, etc.

Experience: author’s age, period of use, etc.

Follow these best practices to help people find your review pages on Google search and other Google platforms:

Evaluate from the user’s perspective – write less subjective information and more objective facts about products and services.

Demonstrate that you are knowledgeable about what you are reviewing —show that you are an expert. Write about how you used the product or service. Include photos or videos if possible.

Provide evidence

visuals, audio, or other references to your own work experience.

Share quantitative metrics on how something measures up in different performance categories. Dimensions, weight, quantity, power, etc.

Explain what sets you apart from your competitors. Do a little comparative analysis with other products and companies.

Cover comparative things to consider, or explain what might be best for certain purposes or circumstances.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages phone number taiwan of something based on your own original research. What exactly has this or that product or service helped you with? How exactly?

Describe how the product has evolved from previous models or releases to provide improvements, solve problems, or otherwise help users make purchasing decisions.

Focus on the most important decision-making factors based on your experience or knowledge (e.g. price, fuel economy for the car, ensuring safety of use, purchase conditions, etc.).

Describe key product design choices and their impact on users, beyond what the manufacturer says.

Add links to other useful resources website promotion in Google  (your own or from other sites) to help the reader make a decision.

Include links to multiple sellers to give the reader the option to buy from the seller of their choice.

State why you recommend buying from a particular place. When recommending something as the best overall or the best for a specific purpose, state why you think it’s the best, supporting it with first-hand evidence.

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