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The effect that the decisions

We close this intervention with a reference to the joint reflections published The effect that a year ago, which we invite you to read.   adopted by politics in the fight against Covid-19 could have had on the stability of donations and volunteering was precisely the question we The effect that asked ourselves on that and other occasions . At the time, it was for the undersigned an easy and, for context and timing, bold prediction that has turned out, with today’s eye, to be exact as it is supported by a good knowledge of the dynamics that move the sector. We closed the article at the time by appealing to everyone’s sense of responsibility in a moment of great complexity. We wrote:

It is necessary that our institutions

Assume the role of social mediators and catalysts of systemic trust, because the context has changed definitively and the contribution of the third sector can decisively support social cohesion, a necessary premise for any associated living.

Similarly, we also believe that the attribution to long covid is more than anything else , albeit partly understandably, a cognitive shortcut and as such we believe it should be removed soon so that responsibilities take concrete form and can be more quickly elaborated and resolved.

Communication and relationship are

The tools necessary for associations to regenerate this trust lost in recent years and contribute to offering the country system that optimism of will and ability that is present in the Italian third sector.

It is necessary to rebuild the trust of citizens thanks to an operation of knowledge of the activities carried out, of the success of the funds generously donated by businesses and citizens, of the great value produced by the action of volunteers and collaborators, of the impact produced by the third sector.

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