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Changes in progress, let’s stay in touch

Dearest friend?

I want to tell you in advance that something extraordinary is happening.

Over the course of these twelve years? since the blog came to life? the Changes in  road traveled has been long. Never as straight as I would have liked – because stumbles? illusions and disillusions have not been lacking – but the satisfactions have long outweighed the Changes in difficulties encountered.

Freelance and training first

Publishing then are phases of a journey that evolves macedonia phone number library and that in a few days will reach a new level? a stage from which something new will start? strong of the great experience gained and of the incredible people that I have been lucky enough to meet in these years.

To facilitate this transition? starting from November 2nd the blog will be under maintenance and the restoration date will be indicated in the countdown on the landing page ( always at this address ).

While waiting to meet again here in a few days? I thank the exact definition of a word you in advance for your patience and invite you? if you need to collect useful information for your work? to retrieve it before it is taken offline.
The Integrated Agency for Social Welfare is born today? an evolution of the Elena Zanella brand

New graphic design for the blog

And new professional project.

Today? November 8? I am starting a project that I have been atb directory carrying in my heart and mind for a long time now : the activity established 3 years ago is structured and becomes an Integrated Agency for Social Affairs? a professional structure dedicated to the development of Third Sector Entities and the Public . It took time to organize it? refine the ideas and involve the right and complementary people to start it but now it is finally a reality.

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