What do we mean by “data ethics”? Why is it important to include it in your marketing strategies and how can it be a competitive advantage for companies?
In 2019, the Italian Big Data analytics market reached a value of 1.7 billion euros , up 23% compared to last year, more than double compared to 2015 (790 million euros), from which it experienced an average annual growth of 21.3%. More croatia phone number data Competitive Advantage and more companies have acquired or are trying to acquire advanced knowledge in the use of technologies and skills in Data Science.
Investments in the sector are choose keywords in the form of questions increasing, particularly those aimed at Competitive Advantage data integration. This trend reflects the growing centrality of data in the creation of marketing strategies .
A growing number of marketing managers, through their experience in the field, have. Understood that careful profiling and segmentation. Competitive Advantage of your audience is essential not only in the process of acquiring new traffic phone number vietnam and new users.
This realization also emerges in “The CMO Conundrum and the. Search for the Marketing Unicorn” , research conducted by. WFA – World Federation of Advertisers and 2CV and published in June 2020, which involved nearly 700 marketing. Executives from around the world who were asked what their most important marketing responsibilities would be in 5 years.
In fact, 6 in 10 marketers (62%) believe that technology and digital marketing platforms. Already play a key role , while three-quarters (77%) believe the. Importance of these tools will increase in the future . Additionally, 54% of respondents say that data analytics is an important skill in. Their role, while 73% believe it will become even more relevant in the years to come.