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According to the value they represent

According to the  Unless you have an online store , it’s probably best to send “last-minute deals” to customers who live near your store. Customers who receive these types of emails — or invitations to events at your store, for example — who don’t live in the same city may be annoy to see these irrelevant messages cluttering their inboxes.

Conversely, your customers who live abroad will likely be receptive to messages informing them that you offer free shipping.

If a certain age range doesn’t fit the target audience

for one of your email marketing campaigns, make sure to exclude those customers from your recipient list. Some of your older customers may have provid you with a phone number or address, but not an email (or an email address they rarely check). They may appreciate it if you sent them a traditional flyer in the mail.

Go beyond simple demographic considerations and segment your chinese overseas africa data customer base bas on their purchasing behaviors: when was the last time they made a purchase in your store, how often do they visit, how much do they spend? Example of segmentation:

High Value Customers

These are the customers who spend the most with you, and the most often. This group is essential to the success of your business and should be treat with special attention. While they appreciate qatar numbers  promotions, like everyone else, they don’t come to your store just to get a good deal. Here are some ideas: invite them to preview your new collection, invite them to end-of-year festivities in your store, or give them access to sales before anyone else. This group wants to be reward for their loyalty, so identify its members and offer them the gifts they deserve.

New or recent customers

Customers who have made purchases from your store in home appliance makers accelerate innovation the last few weeks or months are brand new, and you run the risk of them forgetting you exist. A great way to stay in touch is to send a thank-you email as soon as they’ve purchas something, follow by another message a few weeks later. When the winter holidays are coming up and you want to target this group, make sure they receive an enticing offer, but don’t bombard them with messages too often, especially in the first few days after their visit.

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