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Our research institute

– Let’s see now. Sophie, invite Mike.

– Just a minute, boss!

– Mike, could you help?

— Of course. Not long ago, we releas the W app, which lets you learn about the habits of visiting certain places of any Instagram user. The interactive map is updat in real time bas on open data — geotags, which the user himself willingly marks his posts and “stories”.

– We?

– Well, not exactly us.. The application has been test, and now we have start working with it.

– How does it work?

— W scans al research institute l publications in someone else’s Instagram account from the moment it was creat and displays a detail route map. Thus, seemingly disparate information from unrelat posts is present in a clear, aggregat form, allowing you to learn about the movements and frequently visit locations of a person.

— Wait, what about the “self-destructing” records?

— The developers research institute have bypass this. The application can save “stories” that automatically disappear a day after publication. For this reason, it does not have access to old, already “self-destruct” records, but the longer the program is install, the more detail the map becomes.

— Interesting. In fact, we will be able to obtain confidential information about people’s daily lives — in particular, to find out what time a person usually leaves home and when they are at work, what cafes they visit and where they like to relax. Using this data, we can learn about a person’s hidden habits and personal traits.

– Johann, you are becoming more and more frightening

You are actually research institute collecting dossiers on all people.

– Yes. And we don’t hide it. But people themselves are handing out this data left and right!

Do you think about what data guatemala whatsapp data you leave for everyone?

– Oh, you research institute know, I’m a humanities person and far from technology. I’d better show Anton how it’s done.

— Do you remember the password?

– Yes. It’s in my passport.

– Well, that’s research institute great. Tell this to Anton, and explain that I’m not a wizard, just an engineer. And we produce trackers like these.

– Anton, did you hear?

– Yes, dad! I will alb directory also be an engineer to help owners find their little friends! So that they don’t get lost and the kids don’t cry!

Are you ready to worry jeanett perez-lesher scientist about not losing your belov pet? A cat or a dog? Have you at least install a chip for them? Think about it!

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