How muc do I have to invest to have a product with my own brand on Amazon

How muc have to invest In many cases you are not the first seller of that same product so it is difficult to differentiate yourself. Many times you have to compete with companies that are capable of buying in very high volumes, so the purchase price and consequently the sale price is much better .

How can you differentiate yourself by have to invest

How muc have to invest How can you differentiate yourself by selling the same product as the top industry data competition on Amazon? Price is never the best way to differentiate yourself from the competition because it robs you of the air to breathe. There will always be someone who will be cheaper than you at some point. We have managed to sell more than our competition with the same product while being more expensive. This is what we have done.Being able to print your own brand on the product can cost you.

How to get your own product on Amazon own brand on

How to get your own product on Phone Number US Amazon The best way to differentiate yourself from the rest that buy from the same supplier is to have an individual packaging design with your own logo . This is not too complicated since any Chinese manufacturer provides you with this possibility.Being able to print your own brand on the product can cost you.

How much does it cost to set up and launch a basic online store

How much does  Those who follow frequently know that within Quondos. Therefore, we have set up a project to sell on Amazon . As I have already commented in several posts, there are several points in favor of launching an online business. Therefore, through this e-commerce giant. The initial cost is smaller than creating your own online store.

What is a basic e-commerce and launch a

How much does  What is a basic e-commerce ? When it comes to spending category email list money to launch an e-commerce. Therefore, business, you can do stupid things and pay thousands and tens of thousands of euros. When I talk about basic e-commerce I refer to the following points: Sale of 5-20 standard. Therefore, products (such as clothing, gifts, books, etc.) WordPress-based platform with the Woocommerce plugin. Basic stock management, without connection to ERP systems. 

Online store do you have to invest to set up a basic e-commerce

Show Phone Number US me the money” some will say now.” Let’s talk about pasta. How much does it cost to set up something like this with your own product, which requires additional investment than a simple dropshipping model .Below you can see our logo with which we will start selling under our own brand   published on Quondos .

How long can it take you to set up a basic online store from scratch

How long can it take Always when you start quantifying things there are people who are not going to agree. I like to do it because. Therefore, this way you also realize if your estimates and experiences are accurate or completely out of the ordinary.After a lot of “blah blah” we finally. Therefore, arrived at the time and task estimates. Here I leave it to you. I leave you a table with tasks.

Clarifications on my last post How long can it take

How long can it take Clarifications on my last post about the cost of an e-commerce The industry email list last time it was like this in the post I published. Therefore, about the cost of an online store . I added “basic” in the title of the article to imply that this was the minimum that would have to be taken into account because obviously. Therefore, depending on what you want to do and the number of products you want to publish, etc. You can easily spend  more.

Context you need to know about the tasks to be performed store from scratch

Context you need to know about the tasks to be performed On  this occasion I am setting Phone Number US a project outside of normal hours. It is a situation in which many people find themselves. Therefore, who, apart from their employed work, want to set up something. Therefore, of their own. Typically you get going and then you’re  long it all takes. 

Understanding the essence of building teams to undertake better and with less stress

After the laughter at the YMCA I relaxed a little, nothing could go wrong now . It didn’t matter if I had my hands in my pockets, if I moved too much, if I looked at the screen with my back to the attendees… it didn’t matter if I missed something (I’m not going to confirm it to you) during the talk. It didn’t matter if he said “okay?” too many times. It didn’t even matter if the slides didn’t happen . It didn’t matter if every time I tried to advance the slide the presentation closed. It didn’t matter if I had to synchronize with “the technician,” making gestures for him to show me the slides.

What is the fuel of entrepreneurship?

Before starting with the advice, I would like us to clarify some basic concepts , something that, together with the reflections top industry data in the previous post, will lead you to the same conclusion that I reached a long time ago: working alone is crazy . Yes, perhaps at first it is essential. Maybe it’s not time yet. Maybe you can’t afford it. Maybe there is another maybe that is perhaps reasonable. But maybe you’re wrong. By the way, I may have to buy for the quiz. Hahaha. Okay sorry. The loneliness of my office.

But we have been taught to think of other “fuels”

Don’t you agree? I saw you on camera and you looked like the typical Chinese car dashboard cat , nodding all the time. Not to say anything else. Hee hee hee. But you know what? Although almost everyone agrees when I talk about the fuel of entrepreneurship, most are saying or have said things like: “I can’t spend right now . ” So the most common situation is : I’m not going to invest Phone Number US any of my personal money but I have no qualms about sacrificing a lot of personal time, mine or my family’s, working from dawn to dusk. No, I’m not going to work more than 8 hours even if that means I feel a chest-crushing frustration that prevents me from smiling when I’m “on me time.”

When we realize it it s already too late

At this point we realize that we have been doing it wrong, that we need help and that . We must leave behind that arrogance (I can do everything) and that false need to do everything and spend (invest) the minimum. So we made the decision to ask for help. But we do it at a time when we are in crisis. Full of . Pending tasks, with a minimum level of motivation and energy…

There is hope for your project, just like there is for mine

Come on! Dry your tears and keep reading, it’s not a big deal . Well, yes, because it is as true as the top of a pine tree . But it is also true that it can be avoided, that is why you are swallowing this mega-post. Right? Keep reading, please. Take a break if you want, but come back with energy because now you know what this post is about: to prevent you from making a serious mistake category email list that could stop your success . In honor of the series… for the next chapter.  Now ads come out, you are left with your mouth open and say “what . You better keep reading, leave your opinion .

Our project is chaos

n fact, we don’t even have time to pee. We need him to get work now or this is going to collapse (and not Shakira’s). We don’t know how to delegate. Ah! Not at all. We have spent a long time with the false peace that control gives us, that gives us “I am Phone Number US doing it the way it should be done.” So we basically tell him “do but inform me and ask me about every little step you try to take.” This is what you will tell yourself : “Wow, okay, I was doing it wrong but now I have asked for help and it is even worse, because I have gone from having a lot of stress to having a lot of stress, taking care of someone and spending more… I think this is not For me, I have failed .”

Why create a team and undertake with less stress and better results

I hadn’t rehearsed it too much because I prefer it to come out naturally . It is usually enough for me to do the presentation myself to remember all the slides and know how to follow the common thread.Without losing spontaneity. It has always worked for me and I have always gone on stage with confidence , making sure that just letting myself go is enough. But that day I was especially .Nervous , perhaps because of the honor of having been invited by the .La Transformateca team or perhaps because of having seen the talks .That preceded mine and whose level of speakers, staging and value contributed amazed me.

The (almost) most common scary story in the world of digital entrepreneurship

Almost defeated by indecision, a few minutes before starting and still in my underwear, I picked up my phone and read your message industry email list again: “go for them tiger” (with the respective. Laughing emoticons). I remembered your laugh when I showed you the presentation and your “your joke at the. Beginning is good” and the doubt dissipated. Come on! I started the talk. With the question of what would you do with an extra €1,000/month 3 months before your launch. And people started dancing YMCA. Strange things from the live. Hahaha.

Fear leads us to deny ourselves that better life we ​​seek

As a general rule, when we decide to start a business, we do it because we want to get away from that cliché “job, salary, mortgage, ugh”. We are seduced by the idea of ​​time and geographic Phone Number US freedom, self-management, working when we want, doing what we like, having time for the family and also to play sports and finally making that damn ass hard that no matter how hard we squeeze it on the stairs. mechanics of the mall el cabronis is ready to paint it orange and jello to the song. Yes or no?

The Congress of the 30th anniversary of Dircom

The actress and presenter Verónica Mengod, master of ceremonies of the Congress, gave way to the closing intervention of Miguel López-Quesada, president of Dircom. «At Dircom, over the last 30 years, we have worked to professionalize the Communication function, highlight its strategic importance in organizations and disseminate our role in society. “There have been three decades of history in which the institution has valued the strategic contribution and the transformative capacity of communication and its managers as agents of change,” he assured. «With this Congress, in addition to anticipating, reading what is coming, we wanted to convey that the only way to face the future is to generate alliances: with other organizations, with the legislative, economic, with the third sector and with other actors. social. And we have done it during these two days without talking about communication.

Communication managers and directors

In his closing speech, Isabel Rodríguez assured: «As agents of change, need to know what the new scenarios in which your profession will develop top industry data in the coming years will be like. It is a very important opportunity because it allows the rest of society to anticipate social trends. In some way, you are helping us prepare for what is coming in areas as relevant as technology and sustainability , and this takes on a special, very special and transcendental role in a context as complex as the one we are going through. Therefore, congratulations for all these years of work, for this congress. And that they be many more. Congratulations”.

Next horizons: the 15-minute city

Among other things, the famous scientist, urban planner and professor at the Parisian Sorbonne University told us: «The city is a sphere whose Phone Number US center should be everywhere and its circumference nowhere. Therefore, the 15-minute city is a concept that has been worked on for three years with C40 Cities. Our main contribution in this sense is to consider that sustainability. From the triple ecological, economic and social angle. Therefore, has its reason for being if we manage to increase the quality of life where we live. Therefore, he continued: “We have accepted the unacceptable: long trips, poorly used buildings, loss of social interactions, segmented, fractured, zoned cities… It is necessary to build a new urban and territorial narrative.”

Greenpeace activists protest in Madrid against hyperconsumerism

After several weeks of commercial and media “bombardment”, Black Friday is here. This November 25, the well-known “Black Friday” is celebrated, a day in which great discounts are the protagonists . However, the impact that Black Friday has on the planet has triggered protests early in the morning in cities like Madrid. The purpose of this action is to condemn the “waste” that is a day like today, in which companies encourage users to consume compulsively without really thinking about the impact of all their purchases.

Consequences of Black Friday

Furthermore, e-commerce returns alone in the US this Black Friday emit 15 million tons of CO2. Greenpeace’s biodiversity category email list manager, Celia Ojeda, explained in statements to EFE that the target of the protest is not consumers, but the overproduction of big brands . These encourage consumers to purchase products of “shorter duration and poorer quality”, which end up “in landfills and incinerators.” For this reason, the environmental NGO’s protests no longer only denounce the raw materials required for this high production but also warn about the pollution and high environmental cost that this type of workshop entails.

Inditex workers also demonstrate

Beyond Greenpeace, there have been other groups that have joined the protests against Black Friday these days. Yesterday, Thursday, the CGT called a demonstration Phone Number US at the doors of the Zara located in Plaza de España. In Galicia , Inditex workers gathered this week at the As Cancelas Shopping Center in Santiago where, according to the Galician Inter-Union Confederation (CIG), the stores remained closed as a protest. Outside our borders, Amazon employees are also rebelling.

Adidas opens investigation against Kanye West

Accusations are piling up against Kanye West . The rapper and businessman is back in the spotlight after a Rolling Stone report revealed that he allegedly showed pornography to employees of Yeezy, his company. According to this media, he could have shown explicit sexual videos and photos in meetings and job interviews in which he and his wife, Kim Kardashian, would appear. This same behavior seems to have been extended to the adidas company . The company has now opened an internal investigation into Kanye West following an open letter that some workers sent to the brand’s management, denouncing some of the rapper’s attitudes. 

Criticism for anti-Semitic and racist statements 

In recent months, Kanye West has not stopped sparking controversy . Last October he already lost one of his most important business allies in his industry email list career, Adidas , for making anti-Semitic and racist comments on social networks . At the time, Adidas said that after careful consideration, the company had made the decision to end its partnership with West immediately, cease production of Yeezy-branded products and stop all payments to the artist and his companies. “Ye’s recent statements and actions are unacceptable, hateful and dangerous ,” the brand stated in a statement.

Designed footwear and clothing

Kanye West, who has for Adidas under the Yeezy brand since 2015, clashed head-on with the brand by showing his anti-Semitism and disrespect. But this brand Phone Number US has not been the only one to cut ties with the rapper. Balenciaga, a luxury fashion brand commonly associated with West, was the first to reject collaborations with the artist, followed by talent agency CAA and, later, Studio MRC, which already announced that it would not air the documentary about West.”It is currently unclear whether the allegations made in an anonymous letter are true,” he said. “However, we take these allegations very seriously and have made the decision to immediately launch an independent investigation into the matter to resolve the allegations.”

The Pyrenees boosts tourist occupancy this Christmas

Since the start of the season, the last long weekend of the Constitution, with Formigal Panticosa and Serre on 6 December, the Aramón Group has been working hard to ensure snow and produce conditions suitable for skiing Bad weather affecting skiing across Europe has limited skiable kilometers in resorts in the Pyrenees and prevented the group from launching its Javalambre and Valdelinares resorts.

However in special cases the balance will be positive

The day-to-day work of the mountain team has ensured the skiing activity to date and maintained the visitor occupancy rate in the Pyrenees valleys, which will remain executive email list at around 80% until January 4th, while This percentage will be lower as usual before the King’s holiday. The Alamon Group is dedicated to Christmas traditions, such as the New Year and Three Kings torch parades, or après-ski events, where large crowds throughout the holidays also benefit the profession.


As explained by Antonio manager of the group

Despite the exceptional weather conditions experienced across Europe, Aramón has managed to maintain the winter season centers of Cerler and Formigal-Panticosa conditions Phone Number US currently capable of sustaining occupation. ”. In addition, he noted that the events calendar and après-ski activities supported by the group have also prompted many tourists to choose these valleys as destinations. The weather forecast in the coming days will be favourable, which may lead to the expansion of ski resorts and their surrounding areas. kilometers and get back to normalcy that would be ideal for this time of year.

Best Ideas for Website Performance Optimization

Satisfaction is what makes a business successful. You have to suggest several strategies to increase the demand for using netizens. Gone are the days of slow loading times that drove users crazy. That’s why telling developers to continually develop websites that can perform at higher speeds will be a big part of lowering conversion rates. That’s why developers need to imply certain strategies to enhance the web surfing experience. 

Keeping quality constant

About content, getting solid backlinks (which I’ll talk about later), and of course the website, whether it’s responsive or not. It takes a lot of time and a clever and unique style, and India-Interactive is only known for its jaw-dropping creative approach. Now I would like to end this topic and repeat executive data a famous saying: “Digital transformation is not a technological transformation. It is a business revolution”. Keep up with technology and see the whole world waiting for you. Just take bold action and see how digital transformation can deliver on your bold vision and lay a solid foundation for it. You must also shift your focus from financial performance metrics to customer benefit metrics. 

Instant access letter

Task framework. Analyze every aspect of the market and then take some action. 2. Expand your sales platform. If you want your business to grow through all channels, you need to deliver on all fronts. Access all leading markets. Explore every option you can to engage your audience. Has Phone Number US a Facebook and snapchat store. Optimize your website so your customers can contact you freely. Provide your e-commerce store with a mobile app through which you can inform users about your products and services. 

Give your consumers the freedom to shop through any medium of their choice. everywhere. 3. Provide   unparalleled services in Stand out from the crowd by raising your service standards. Provide an eye-catching and engaging website equipped with the most important features. Automate all your processes so your shoppers can easily search, explore, and purchase your products and services. Let their every purchase

What exactly is digital marketing?

How do you get started when creating a digital marketing plan? It remains a major issue as many companies now recognize the value of digital and mobile platforms in attracting and retaining customers. However, they did not have a comprehensive plan to support digital transformation, business expansion and online audience engagement. Companies use today and digital channels including search engines, social media, email and other websites. Text and multimedia communications are also included. Today’s virtual companies try to keep up with the latest developments. 

Satisfactory loyalty program

They can serve as freebies for regular customers. They can also include bonus points collected with every purchase, which they can redeem during special seasons on your site. Make this process like a game. Make people enjoy and want to shop from you. Try video and photo marketing. Whatever can be expressed in words can be better expressed in actions. 

Play with them. Engage them in a way that makes them company data look forward to using your product. High quality pictures of your products are also provided. Share them on social media. A great strategy to display videos taken by users of your product. Host a video contest or photo contest. This way you can attract users and promote your products.

Provides all the answers to your e-commerce business

The amount of data generated is huge for testing applications. Detailing the results, it limits the time spent processing things and producing reports, greatly increasing the productivity of the entire product. The amount of information generated while testing an application is immense and therefore, the reports it creates can add value to the application/software in general. 

Business characterization, and policy-driven report masking to eliminate identification or force the use of generated reports within advanced biometric systems. Test report Phone Number US management software and can only can also be scheduled for execution in the cloud or through any hybrid cloud. The key parts of management techniques are identifying common test reporting components, hiding and recording, organizing and assigning, generating reports and dashboards, establishing business rules, and creating automated suites of master information collation.